Technology Presentations &
Guest Lectures
Implications of AI Policies on Academic Integrity in Language Teaching and Learning
Association of Applied Linguistics, Houston, TX: March, 2024
Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), Brock University: June, 2024
Technology Enhanced Language International Conference: July 13,2023
Co-presenter: Dr. Phoebe Kang, University of Toronto Mississauga
Invited Keynote: A Tecnologia de Realidade Estendida (XR) para Aprendizagem
Experiencial na Educaçao
Niagara/Fanshawe College Brazilian Educator's Program: June 12, 2023​
Academic Integrity and Ethical Considerations for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT
TESL Niagara Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake: April 29,2023
Niagara College Faculty Professional Development Workshop, Welland, April 24, 2023
Teachers' Perceptions of Plurilingual, Decolonial and Digital Foreign Language Education
CCERBAL Conference, Ottawa: May, 2023
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, John Wayne
dela Cruz, Aisha Barisé
How can agentive pedagogy be implemented and assessed in foreign language
classrooms in asynchronous learning?
Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland: March, 2023
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter,
John Wayne dela Cruz, Aisha Barisé
“Los protagonistas de la conversación”: The development of a digital plurilingual pedagogy for sustainable and agentive oral development
European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL), London, UK/Online: March, 2022
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, John Wayne dela Cruz
Challenging the monolingual bias and empowering plurilingual voices:
A multilingual study with the PluriDigit project (Virtual Contribution)
American Association for Applied Linguistics, AAAL 2022, Pittsburgh: March, 2022
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, John Wayne dela Cruz
Extended Reality (XR) Technologies for Experiential Learning in Language Education
Niagara College TESL Program: Teaching with Technology Course: February, 2021
University of Toronto, Mississauga: Second Language Pedagogy Course: December, 2020
Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, OISE, Toronto: May, 2020
Criando Projetos e Atividades com o Voicethread, Presented with Dr. Angelica Galante
Abraço Cultural Language Centre, Brazil: April, 2021
Engaging Tech for Vocabulary Practice in Online Language Learning
TESL North York and York Region: February, 2021
Creating Interactive Discussions via VoiceThread
Centre for Academic Excellence, Niagara College via Blackboard Collaborate:
May, 2020
Creating Student-Centred Formative Assessment Tasks -presented with Nadeen Sullivan
TESL Niagara Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake: February, 2020
Experiential Learning in Higher Education with Mixed Realities: Learner Voices
Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, Toronto: October, 2019
Language Integration Through E-portfolio (LITE): Connecting language communities,
educators, and researchers through an action-oriented and pedagogically innovative
online tool
– presented with Dr. Geoff Lawrence, Dr. Aline-Germain Rutherford and Robert Price
Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Conference - CALICO, Montreal: May, 2019
Interactive Tech Tools for Vocabulary Learning and Practice
Tech Know Presentation: Collaborative Activities with Nearpod
Fusing Indigenous and Plurilingual Pedagogies in ESL Classrooms - presented on behalf of the LINCDIRE / LITE Project and Dr. Enrica Piccardo with Sara Potkonjak and Jayson Moore
TESL Ontario, Toronto: November, 2018
Collaborative Mobile Activities for Language Learning Practice in Teams
TESL Toronto, T4T Technology for Teachers Conference, Toronto: January, 2018
Second Language Curriculum Design and Development
Invited Guest Lecture, Concordia University, Montreal: October, 2018
Experiential Learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality
TESL Ontario, Toronto: November, 2017
TESL Canada, Niagara Falls: June, 2017
Investigating AR and VR Applications for Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
American Association for Applied Linguistics, AAAL 2017, Portland, Oregon: March, 2017
Exploring Augmented Reality Applications for Language Learning
Connect 2016, Canada’s Learning and Technology Conference, Interactive Technology Presentation, Niagara Falls: April, 2016
T4T2016 Technology for Teachers Conference: January, 2016
TESOL International Conference, Toronto: March, 2015
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October, 2014
Create and Share Online Materials with Padlet and Skitch
REALize National English Online Conference, March, 2015
Mobile Learning Tools to Inspire Creativity in Teaching and Learning
Invited guest lecture: TESL North York: April, 2016 and TESL Ontario Webinar: Feb, 2015
World Congress of Modern Languages, Niagara Falls: March, 2015
Connect, Canada’s Learning and Technology Conference, Interactive Poster Presentation via Smart Board: May, 2014
iPads for Language Learning in Higher Education
Niagara College International Dept. Faculty Professional Development Presentation: April, 2014
Interactivity and Engagement in the Classroom with iPads
Centre for Academic Excellence, Lunch and Learn Workshop, Niagara College: March, 2014
Infographics and Visualization Tools for Language Learning
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2013
TESL Toronto- Technology for Teachers (T4T) Conference : January, 2014
REALize National English Online Conference: January, 2014
Engage and Inspire Language Teachers and Learners with Twitter
Webinar presented via English Online Inc. and Tutela for ESL/EFL professionals nationally: December, 2013
Mobile and Tablet Applications for Language Teaching and Learning
TESL North York and York Region, North York: May, 4th 2013
Social Media for Language Professionals
Multilanguages Conference, Victoria College, University of Toronto: November, 2012
Possibilities and Potential for iPads in ESL Education
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2012
Bring your Learners’ Voices Together with VoiceThread
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2012
Tools for ESL Writing Instruction Online and with Desire2Learn
Halton District School Board, Burlington: July, 3rd 2012
VoiceThread for Language Educators
Niagara College, Welland Campus: May, 2012 / Professional Development Presentation
Success with Online Tools for Teaching ESL Writing
Bridges to Learning Conference, University of Toronto: May 2012
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October 2011
Pedagogical Applications of Virtual Language Tutors
TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October, 2010

Ontario Interpreting Presentations & Events
The Future of Interpreting in Ontario
Glendon College, Toronto: March, 2012/ Invited Panelist
What is Professional Language Interpreting?
Niagara College, Welland Campus: May, 2011/ Guest Lecturer
Interpreting Credentials Panel: Certified, Trained, Accredited, Tested… What does it all mean?
Healthcare Interpretation Network, Toronto: January, 2009/ Invited Keynote Panelist
Working as a Professional Language Interpreter in Ontario
Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus: November, 2007/ Guest Lecturer