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Technology Presentations &
Guest Lectures

Implications of AI Policies on Academic Integrity in Language Teaching and Learning

Association of Applied Linguistics, Houston, TX: March, 2024

Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), Brock University: June, 2024
Technology Enhanced Language International Conference: July 13,2023

Co-presenter: Dr. Phoebe Kang, University of Toronto Mississauga 


Invited Keynote: A Tecnologia de Realidade Estendida (XR) para Aprendizagem
Experiencial na Educaçao 

Niagara/Fanshawe College Brazilian Educator's Program: June 12, 2023​


Academic Integrity and Ethical Considerations for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT
TESL Niagara Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake: April 29,2023
Niagara College Faculty Professional Development Workshop, Welland, April 24, 2023


Teachers' Perceptions of Plurilingual, Decolonial and Digital Foreign Language Education 
CCERBAL Conference, Ottawa: May, 2023
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, J
ohn Wayne
dela Cruz, Aisha Barisé


How can agentive pedagogy be implemented and assessed in foreign language
classrooms in asynchronous learning?

Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland: March, 2023
Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter,
John Wayne dela Cruz, Aisha Barisé


“Los protagonistas de la conversación”: The development of a digital plurilingual pedagogy for sustainable and agentive oral development
European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL), London, UK/Online: March, 2022

Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, John Wayne dela Cruz


Challenging the monolingual bias and empowering plurilingual voices:
A multilingual study with the PluriDigit project (Virtual Contribution)

American Association for Applied Linguistics, AAAL 2022, Pittsburgh: March, 2022

Co-Presenters: Dr. Angelica Galante, Dr. Enrica Piccardo, Lana Zeaiter, John Wayne dela Cruz


Extended Reality (XR) Technologies for Experiential Learning in Language Education
Niagara College TESL Program: Teaching with Technology Course: February, 2021

University of Toronto, Mississauga:  Second Language Pedagogy Course: December, 2020

Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, OISE, Toronto: May, 2020


Criando Projetos e Atividades com o Voicethread, Presented with Dr. Angelica Galante

Abraço Cultural Language Centre, Brazil: April, 2021


Engaging Tech for Vocabulary Practice in Online Language Learning

TESL North York and York Region: February, 2021


Creating Interactive Discussions via VoiceThread

Centre for Academic Excellence, Niagara College via Blackboard Collaborate:
May, 2020


Creating Student-Centred Formative Assessment Tasks -presented with Nadeen Sullivan

TESL Niagara Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake: February, 2020


Experiential Learning in Higher Education with Mixed Realities: Learner Voices

Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, Toronto: October, 2019


Language Integration Through E-portfolio (LITE): Connecting language communities,
educators, and researchers through an action-oriented and pedagogically innovative
online tool

– presented with Dr. Geoff Lawrence, Dr. Aline-Germain Rutherford and Robert Price

Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Conference - CALICO, Montreal: May, 2019


Interactive Tech Tools for Vocabulary Learning and Practice

Tech Know Presentation: Collaborative Activities with Nearpod

Fusing Indigenous and Plurilingual Pedagogies in ESL Classrooms - presented on behalf of the LINCDIRE / LITE Project and Dr. Enrica Piccardo with Sara Potkonjak and Jayson Moore

TESL Ontario, Toronto: November, 2018 


Collaborative Mobile Activities for Language Learning Practice in Teams

TESL Toronto, T4T Technology for Teachers Conference, Toronto: January, 2018


Second Language Curriculum Design and Development

Invited Guest Lecture, Concordia University, Montreal: October, 2018


Experiential Learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality

TESL Ontario, Toronto: November, 2017

TESL Canada, Niagara Falls: June, 2017


Investigating AR and VR Applications for Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

American Association for Applied Linguistics, AAAL 2017, Portland, Oregon: March, 2017


Exploring Augmented Reality Applications for Language Learning

Connect 2016, Canada’s Learning and Technology Conference, Interactive Technology Presentation, Niagara Falls: April, 2016

T4T2016 Technology for Teachers Conference: January, 2016

TESOL International Conference, Toronto: March, 2015

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October, 2014


Create and Share Online Materials with Padlet and Skitch

REALize National English Online Conference, March, 2015


Mobile Learning Tools to Inspire Creativity in Teaching and Learning

Invited guest lecture: TESL North York: April, 2016 and TESL Ontario Webinar: Feb, 2015

World Congress of Modern Languages, Niagara Falls: March, 2015

Connect, Canada’s Learning and Technology Conference, Interactive Poster Presentation via Smart Board: May, 2014


iPads for Language Learning in Higher Education

Niagara College International Dept. Faculty Professional Development Presentation: April, 2014


Interactivity and Engagement in the Classroom with iPads

Centre for Academic Excellence, Lunch and Learn Workshop, Niagara College: March, 2014


Infographics and Visualization Tools for Language Learning

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2013

TESL Toronto- Technology for Teachers (T4T) Conference : January, 2014

REALize National English Online Conference: January, 2014


Engage and Inspire Language Teachers and Learners with Twitter

Webinar presented via English Online Inc. and Tutela for ESL/EFL professionals nationally: December, 2013


Mobile and Tablet Applications for Language Teaching and Learning

TESL North York and York Region, North York: May, 4th 2013


Social Media for Language Professionals

Multilanguages Conference, Victoria College, University of Toronto: November, 2012


Possibilities and Potential for iPads in ESL Education

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2012


Bring your Learners’ Voices Together with VoiceThread

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: November, 2012


Tools for ESL Writing Instruction Online and with Desire2Learn

Halton District School Board, Burlington: July, 3rd 2012


VoiceThread for Language Educators

Niagara College, Welland Campus: May, 2012 / Professional Development Presentation

Success with Online Tools for Teaching ESL Writing

Bridges to Learning Conference, University of Toronto: May 2012

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October 2011


Pedagogical Applications of Virtual Language Tutors         

TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto: October, 2010 

Ontario Interpreting Presentations & Events

The Future of Interpreting in Ontario

Glendon College, Toronto: March, 2012/ Invited Panelist


What is Professional Language Interpreting?

Niagara College, Welland Campus: May, 2011/ Guest Lecturer


Interpreting Credentials Panel: Certified, Trained, Accredited, Tested… What does it all mean?

Healthcare Interpretation Network, Toronto: January, 2009/ Invited Keynote Panelist


Working as a Professional Language Interpreter in Ontario
Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus: November, 2007/ Guest Lecturer






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